Hydrogen Generation and Value Chain

Hydrogen is currently already an important resource for industry, used for things such as artificial fertiliser, but is still mainly made from natural gas in a process that releases carbon dioxide. The hydrogen produced is called ‘grey hydrogen’.

If you capture the carbon dioxide released and store it underground, the hydrogen produced is referred to as ‘blue hydrogen’.

For the energy transition, the plan is to ultimately make use of a third category of hydrogen: ‘green hydrogen’. This type of hydrogen is produced through electrolysis using green electricity (from the sun, wind, etc.), i.e. completely sustainably.

If you have any questions or like further information, please get in touch


Grey Hydrogen

Hydrogen gas that is generated via combustion of fossil fuels such as natural gas

Blue Hydrogen

Hydrogen gas generated from non-renewable energy sources such as nuclear energy

Green Hydrogen

Hydrogen gas that is generated using renewable energy such as solar energy and wind energy


Fossil fuels

Non-renewable energy source

Renewable energy sources

Greenhouse gas emissions

Very high

Moderate to low



Highly unacceptable due to harm on the environment


Highly acceptable


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