Carbon Capture and Sequestration
By Net Power Inc. –
Carbon capture is a concept focused on the capture of carbon dioxide emissions produced by manufacturing, vehicles, and food production, among other industries.

An ever increasing human population, deforestation, the destruction of natural habitats, a lack of care toward our oceans, and the transformation of land for housing and the rearing of livestock have all contributed to the problem of global warming.
Global warming is expected to create climate refugees, diminish water and food supplies, trigger extreme weather events, and cause sea levels to rise.
Rolling back and attempting to tackle the damage we have already caused to our environment are ways to try and reduce the levels of carbon in the atmosphere, and to date, little progress has been made in terms of technology designed to contribute to the effort.
The current solution being developed by energy companies involves burying carbon in saline aquifers through injection into depleted oil and gas reservoirs, but for technologies in this area to be developed, potential profit in the eyes of the investor needs to be a factor. As such, carbon capture technology could focus on carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS), in which carbon dioxide can be stored and recovered for use, in some way, to develop products or services.

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