Our multidiscipline engineering team have significant experience in delivering both onshore and offshore engineering solutions primarily developed within the UK Oil & Gas industry. We recognize the challenges faced by current operators within this environment and the balance between asset integrity and continued economic operation of many of these assets. Our business model specializes in offering simple “fit for purpose” engineering solutions delivered to an agreed timescale and budget, whilst minimizing the non-value added aspects of doing business.
We cater for concept evaluation and selection, Basic, Intermediate and Complex FEED and detailed design phases of the engineering delivery workflow.
• 2D and 3D design
• As-Building and Close Out
• Offshore / Onshore surveys
• Fabrication Management and Inspection services
• Engineering support to Maintenance
Technology Balances
Technology can optomise the cost and delivery model of almost any business, but needs to be used in a controlled manner.
It is important to maintain balances in technology, not all advancements are practical or cost effective and its development must be under continuous review to ensure that it still provides the intended benefits. An application or process must never become more time consuming or costly to maintain than the original task, an obvious statement, but these applications and processes are created and do exist.
It is important that in providing a cost effective service, we do not lose sight of this, therefore each phase of development is evaluated to ensure that the direction is in keeping with a cost benefit analysis.
Cema will not utilise any applications or software at cost to the client, if an application does not reduce cost, delivery or both in a balanced manner, it will not be included in the cema application portfolio.
Engineering Data Management
Secure data management and storage
When managing data, security has to be the first priority and as all data is not created equal, understanding the business value of data is critical for defining the best storage strategy.
As an industry we only utilise a small percentage of available data, but that does not mean we are not capable of recognising the value of data not used, unfortunately most is mismanaged and not claimed, falling into the noise category.
Targeting valuable data and transmitting to the correct business areas is critical.
We ensure that all relevant data is accessible, and work with our clients to focus and align our objectives.
Secure Storage
All model data is securely stored on an air gapped system, ensuring zero external accessibility.
fast and secure distribution
All PDMS models are distributed on encrypted drives, these will normally be delivered to the owner for distribution to any third party as required. Upon completion the information can be verified and modifications incorporated into the stored copy.
The primary copy will always be secure.
As-building services are available on the PDMS model and 2D deliverables if required, ensuring that all your information is up to date and readily available.
If you have any questions or like further information, please get in touch

Carbon Capture and Sequestration
Carbon capture is a concept focused on the capture of carbon dioxide emissions produced by manufacturing, vehicles, and food production, among other industries.

Hydrogen Generation
Hydrogen is currently already an important resource for industry, used for things such as artificial fertiliser, but is still mainly made from natural gas in a process that releases carbon dioxide. The hydrogen produced is called ‘grey hydrogen’.

Power to Gas (Methanisation)
Power-to-gas (often abbreviated P2G) is a technology that uses electrical power to produce a gaseous fuel. When using surplus power from wind generation, the concept is sometimes called windgas.
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